What Is Acceptable Indoor Air Quality?
Updated 4/23/24
While a home can be an inviting retreat, the quality of the air in your Kansas City house can be causing problems if it’s not clean. With so many potential indoor pollutants, you may be wondering just what the levels are for acceptable indoor air quality. To help make your home healthier, here’s a basic explanation of the ins and outs of indoor air quality.
What Types of Pollutants Are in a Home?

What Are Acceptable Levels?
Ideally, you want to eliminate all indoor pollutants from your home. Of course, this is virtually impossible in even the cleanest environments. Therefore, you must do what you can to limit the concentrations to ensure they don’t reach dangerous levels. Acceptable levels of other indoor pollutants, such as different molds and volatile organic compounds, should be kept as low as possible by removing the source of the pollutant. If the source isn’t removed, the concentration of the pollutant will continue to rise over time.
How Can Pollutants Be Removed?
Fortunately, there are a variety of methods that are effective at removing indoor pollutants. One easy method is to grow a variety of indoor plants. Another simple idea is to open windows whenever possible to allow pollutants to escape and fresh air to come inside. Ultimately, the removal method depends on the type of pollutant you’re dealing with.
Can indoor air quality affect my health?
Yes, poor IAQ can adversely affect health, leading to respiratory issues, headaches, fatigue, allergies, and aggravated asthma symptoms. Long-term exposure to indoor pollutants may increase the risk of chronic health conditions, emphasizing the importance of maintaining good IAQ.
How can HVAC systems contribute to indoor air quality?
HVAC systems play a crucial role in IAQ by circulating and filtering air throughout the building. Proper maintenance, regular filter changes, and the use of high-efficiency filters can help remove airborne pollutants and improve overall IAQ.

Don’t Overlook Basic Things
When it comes to maintaining the quality of your home’s air, no stone should go unturned. If it’s not properly maintained, your HVAC system can contribute significantly to poor indoor air quality. Therefore, it’s important to have your heating or cooling system serviced by a qualified technician from Summit Heating & Cooling in Kansas City to ensure you’re breathing the cleanest air possible. Contact us today to take back your home from indoor air pollutants.