Side-by-Side Comparison Between Standard Equipment and Variable Speed
This lovely brand-new reverse story and a-half home in suburban Kansas City, MO. had a brand-new HVAC system. This system had standard “builders’ grade” equipment that was oversized and poorly designed ductwork. The noisy system did a decent job of keeping the home cool in the summer but had cold spots throughout the home.
Being that the home was brand new, the homeowner didn’t want to go through a ductwork renovation project.
The Problem: The first complaint that this customer had was the noise level throughout the home. The furnace could loudly be heard kicking on throughout the home. The ductwork was loud and could be heard popping. The comfort issue was that the rooms didn’t heat evenly throughout the home thus creating uncomfortable cold spots.
The Solution: Summit Heating & Cooling installed a new modulating variable speed furnace and did some minor ductwork adjustments in the exposed areas which further reduced the noise of the system.
The Summit Team NEW Design Solution
While duct design is an actual science, many new home configurations make it difficult to perfectly design for balanced airflow. Luckily, new innovations by manufacturers have given contractors the features needed to help mitigate some of the issues that homeowners are demanding.
Variable Speed systems have 3 main features to help in this case. First, they are very energy efficient, as much as 10 times more efficient than traditional PSC blower motors. This allows the homeowner to leave the fan in the “ON” position which constantly circulates the air through the home. Second, they have many different blower speeds. Think of the blower dial in a car that can ramp up and down as needs change. Third, a drastic decrease in the volume of air required to go through the system which reduces the noise going through the ductwork.
A Variable Capacity system has a similar dial for the volume of gas and temperature going through the system. When the system is consistently heating the air, it doesn’t need as much heat to create desired temperatures in the home. This makes for a more comfortable home with the fantastic side effect of reduced noise as well.
The Lennox Gas Furnace Installation
The Summit Team put together a system design that included some ductwork modification and installing a Lennox SLP99V which is a Modulating Variable Speed Gas Furnace along with a WiFi-enabled Programable S30 Thermostat. The project was a relatively standard installation except for the difference in the width of the coil in relation to the width of the furnace.
For that reason, and because the previous furnace wasn’t on the return air pedestal, the evaporator coil was disconnected and replaced with a wider one. The return drop and boot were replaced with one with turning veins to direct the airflow evenly across the whole filter. A return air pedestal was also installed under the furnace. A return air duct in the finished portion of the basement was also added to pull additional air from the basement.
The Benefits of the Lennox SLP99V Variable Capacity Gas Furnace
The features of the SLP99V deliver many benefits to its homeowner. The increased efficiency of the variable speed blower motor allows a homeowner to operate the fan in the on position. This constant circulation of air creates better filtration, constant mixing of the air, and re-appropriation of the air consistently and evenly throughout the entire house. This circulation creates a much more comfortable living environment.
The modulation of the gas is like a temperature dial which lets the furnace ramp up full blast or backs down depending on the needs of the home. It means that the furnace uses only the gas needed to satisfy the needs of the home, making this furnace 99% efficient, which saves the homeowner money on their gas bill and is much more environmentally friendly.
A bonus side effect of this is an incredibly quiet operation. The combination of the new furnace, changes in ductwork, and the new pedestal allow for much-improved airflow with less noise. The return in the basement will allow the system to condition the air in all seasons for increased comfort throughout the home.
Is a Variable Speed Furnace Right for You?
It doesn’t matter if you live in a single-story bungalow or a large 2 story home the benefits of a variable speed system will make noticeable differences in the efficiency, noise, and comfort in your home. These systems represent the newest innovation in technology in the industry and will give you and your family years of quiet reliable comfort.
Contact Summit Heating & Cooling today for a FREE In-Home Comfort Analysis with one of our Comfort Experts to see what options are the right ones for you and your home. Remember If you’re looking for the top, Reach for the Summit, Summit Heating & Cooling!